
Hyaluronic lip fillers

Thanks to advanced technology today we have a lot more ways to nourish our lips, which are one of the most sensitive areas of the face.
After all, every woman’s dream is to have beautiful and plump lips, not only because it signals sensuality, but also because it helps your face look more beautiful.

About the procedure About the procedure

About the procedure

Lip volume correction is a treatment when hyaluronic dermal filler is injected into the lips. Lips become bigger, the color becomes more vivid and concrete areas of the lips can be brought out after the treatment. The treatment is usually performed on young women, who have narrow and thin lips. Also on older women, when tissue of their lips loses elasticity.
Only certified medical fillers, which comply with the strictest medical research standards, technologically ensure the safety, reliability and the expected survivability of the result, are used in Sapiega clinic. It is certified hyaluronic dermal fillers, which were carried out in clinical trials, whose long-term results were monitored and compared.

Am I a suitable candidate?

Women in a good health condition are a suitable candidates for this treatment. The treatment is negotiable with the doctor when you have Herpes infection in the area of your lips, diabetes, lupus, scars or problems with blood clotting. Do not forget to mention if you are allergic, if you have health problems or if you have been taking any medication.

Am I a suitable candidate? Am I a suitable candidate?
  • Before the procedure

  • During the procedure

  • After the procedure

Depending on circumstances and your wishes, along with the specialist you will decide which effect you are seeking. The specialist will decide what amount of filler you should get (not fully exploited lip volume filler can be used in other areas of your face, for example: to adjust wrinkles on nasal and lip area, or to correct pendulous lip corners). It is important to mention that your wishes should be realistic, because it is really important to take into account individual facial features before increasing the volume of the lips.

The lip filler is injected into the deep layers of the skin around your lip corner, and lip volume is adjusted until the desired shape and fullness are reached. The treatment is well tolerated and quick. The anesthetic will be used before the treatment, and it will also be pain-free after the treatment.

The effect is visible right after the treatment and the durability of the final result varies depending on the type of the preparation, usually it is from 8 months to 1,5  year. The possibility of an allergic reaction is extremely small, because fillers contain albumin, which is already in the human body, and over time the product breaks down completely.

You can feel a swelling after the treatment, but it will disappear after a few days. It may lead to small bruises or hermatomas, but you should not worry about it, as it will disappear completely. The final result will come after a few weeks, since the filler in certain parts finally localizes and the lips acquire the final shape and contour.

Swelling of the lips usually disappears within 48 hours after the treatment. It is not recommended to use any creams, balms or other cosmetics on your lips after the treatment, but it is advised to cool them down with ice, or put a cold compress the same day and a day after it.


Lip volume correction with Juvéderm® SMILE medicaments (0.55 ml)

259 €

Lip plumping and contour correction with TEOSYAL KISS (0.7 ml)

279 €

Lip volume correction with Juvéderm® VOLIFT RETOUCH medicament (0.55 ml)

259 €

Lip volume correction with FILLMED LIPS medicament (1 ml)

258 €

Lip volume correction with FILLMED LIPS SOFT medicament (1 ml)

279 €

Lip volume correction with RESTYLANE KYSSE medicament (1 ml)

299 €

Consultation with plastic surgeon/dermatologist during the procedure



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